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Our Team

Meet the team behind The Heath Family Trust.

Trust Executive

  • David Donnelly

    CEO & Accounting Officer

  • Sharon Black

    Director of Teaching & Learning

  • Paula Evans

    Director of HR

  • Lisa Jones

    Director of Infrastructure

  • Paula Jones

    Director of Quality & Standards

Education Team

  • Claire Hallwood

    Principal of Litherland High School

  • Helen McGarry

    Assistant Director of Teaching & Learning (SEND)

  • Sarah Greer

    Executive Principal - Bridgewater Park, Halsnead, Litherland Moss & Palace Fields

  • Paul Holloway

    Executive Principal - Daresbury Primary

  • Michaila Fowler

    Trust Leader of Education: Science

  • Chris James

    Trust Leader of Education: Maths

  • Helen Newcombe

    Trust Leader of Education: English

Finance Team

  • Karen Chaney

    Senior Finance Manager

  • Nadia Cole

    Finance Manager

  • Daniela Lanzi

    Finance Manager

HR Team

  • Rachel Pilkington

    HR Officer

  • Luke Proudfoot

    HR Assistant

  • Trish Roberts

    Governance Manager & Company Secretary

Operations Team

  • Andrew Ellis

    Senior Estates & Compliance Officer

  • Tabitha Konstantine

    Marketing and Events Officer