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Our Strategy

Our mission is to improve the life chances of every child in our community by empowering our children to overcome barriers, be able to compete with the best, and shape the future.

Education is a powerful tool for breaking barriers and addressing disadvantage. Many of our children face significant challenges, and many of our schools serve communities with high levels of deprivation and families with historically low educational attainment. We are deeply committed to using education to unlock social mobility, enabling all our children to reach their potential and compete with peers from any background.

As a Trust, we have faced considerable challenges, including financial pressures and the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these difficulties, we have demonstrated resilience and have achieved growing success. Academic outcomes, particularly at the primary level, are improving, and Ofsted inspections reflect a positive and strengthening picture across our schools.

Our schools offer an excellent curriculum, underpinned by a robust, evidence-based approach to teaching. We know that good attendance is vital for all our pupils and despite a difficult national and local picture we are steadily improving attendance for all groups.

Behaviour is improving and we have excellent pastoral support and safeguarding in all of our school. Importantly, we have a strong, determined and capable leadership team that works collaboratively to enhance provision for all pupils.

While we recognise there is still much work to do to achieve our ambitious goals, we are guided by a clear mission, embedded values, and effective practices across the Trust. This document outlines the strategy that will ensure a focused and relentless pursuit of our aspirations, building on the progress we have already made.